RSV, COVID-19, and Flu: What to Know About This Season's Vaccines

While a lot of people love the weather in fall and winter, those seasons also bring an increase in colds and flu (which no one enjoys). Luckily, we now have vaccines for three common viruses: flu, COVID-19, and RSV. And with your BCBSRI health plan, you’re covered for all three vaccines for $0.*
Updated COVID-19 and flu shots are recommended for everyone ages 6 months and older, while the RSV shot is recommended for specific groups of people—and the RSV recommendations have changed a bit from last year.
Here's what you need to know to lower your risk of getting sick and to help stop the spread to others if you do get sick. Plus, you’ll learn how to make the most of your BCBSRI benefits.
COVID-19: Stay protected with an updated vaccine
Viruses are constantly changing, including the virus that causes COVID-19. The updated shot boosts your immunity and better protects you from the variants circulating now.
Who should get vaccinated
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends an updated COVID-19 vaccine for everyone six months of age and older. This vaccine is especially important if you are immunocompromised, have lung disease, or have a high body mass index (BMI).
Where you can get vaccinated
You can visit a participating pharmacy or find a location at
What to do if you get COVID-19
Call your primary care provider (PCP) right away if you are at high risk for complications, including if you are age 50+, unvaccinated, or have a medical condition such as chronic lung disease, heart disease, or a weakened immune system. Treatments can help reduce your risk of getting very sick, but they must be started within days after you first develop symptoms. Other medications can help reduce symptoms and help you manage your illness.
Flu: Don’t delay your annual shot
Getting vaccinated early in the fall gives you more protection against the flu. However, as long as flu viruses are circulating, it’s still important to get vaccinated, even in January or later. According to the CDC, you can get your flu shot and the updated COVID-19 vaccine at the same time if you are due for both vaccines.
Who should get vaccinated
The CDC recommends a flu shot for everyone 6 months of age and older.
Where you can get vaccinated
You can get your shot at an in-network provider’s office, Rhode Island flu clinics, or a participating pharmacy.
What to do if you get the flu
Call your PCP right away if you are at high risk for flu complications, including if you have a chronic condition such as diabetes or asthma or are age 65+. These drugs can mean the difference between having a mild case of the flu and having a more serious case.
RSV: Talk with your doctor
Most of the time, RSV will cause a mild, cold-like illness, but it can cause severe illness, especially in infants and young children, older adults, and those with heart or lung conditions.
Who should get vaccinated
The vaccine can help protect adults aged 60+ who are at increased risk for severe RSV as well as pregnant mothers at weeks 32 to 36 of pregnancy. If you are eligible for the RSV vaccine, ask your PCP or obstetrician if it is right for you. The RSV vaccine is currently not an annual vaccine, so you don’t need to get a dose every RSV season.
In addition, if you have a child under 19 months, ask their pediatrician about an RSV antibody called nirsevimab that protects babies and young children from severe RSV. The CDC recommends nirsevimab for:
- All infants younger than 8 months of age born during RSV season or entering their first RSV season. Except in rare circumstances, most infants younger than 8 months of age do not need nirsevimab if they were born 14 or more days after their mother got an RSV vaccine.
- Some children ages 8 through 19 months who are at increased risk for severe RSV disease and entering their second RSV season.
On the CDC site, you can find out more about nirsevimab and the RSV vaccine for pregnant women as well as the RSV recommendations for older adults.
Where you can get vaccinated
If you are 60+, you can get vaccinated at a participating pharmacy. Pregnant women can receive the vaccine in their obstetrician’s office or at a participating pharmacy if it is available. Infants/young children can get their shots at their pediatrician’s office.
What to do if you get RSV
Unlike flu and COVID-19, antiviral medicines are not usually used to treat RSV. Talk with your PCP if you are not feeling well. Seek help right away if you have any signs of an emergency (see below).
Take the same steps to prevent all 3
You can help prevent RSV, COVID-19, and flu by taking the steps we all know well: washing your hands, avoiding close contact with people who are sick, not touching your face, and not sharing food or drinks. Of course, we all get sick sometimes despite our best efforts. If you do, stay home and rest. If you can, try to also stay away from people you live with to avoid passing on the virus.
Know the signs of an emergency
The signs of an emergency for RSV, COVID-19, and flu are similar. Here are some signs that you or a loved one may need emergency care:
- Trouble breathing or breathing faster than normal
- Ribs pulling in with each breath
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- Seizures
- Sudden confusion
- Pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds, depending on skin tone
- Not alert or interacting when awake
If you see any of these signs, seek emergency care immediately. Even without these signs, emergency care may still be needed. If you are concerned, talk to your PCP or call 911.
*This benefit is for all BCBSRI medical plans except Plan 65.
RSV in Older Adults and Adults with Chronic Medical Conditions | CDC
RSV in Infants and Young Children | RSV | CDC
Symptoms and Care of RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) | CDC
CDC Recommends Updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 and Flu Vaccines for Fall/Winter Virus Season | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC
Types of COVID-19 Treatment | COVID-19 | CDC
Getting a Flu Vaccine and other Recommended Vaccines at the Same Time | CDC